Blog 1

Comment 1 (Link) (to teammate Therese Taruc): “I like how you progress throughout the blog, learning new skills and techniques to guide you through courses (and the university experience). Having taken these courses before, I can attest to how difficult they can be in terms of memorization and midterms. I also like your inclusion of course content, such as behaviorism, in your blog. Overall, it is a good post.”

Comment 2 (Link) (to Omid Izadi): “I like how you talked about the key topic of week 3 in your blog. I do think the blog was written very well. Nevertheless, the blog explains each feature of learning and its importance in the learning process. Moreover, it summarises the topic rather well. Good post.”

Comment 3 (Link) (to Gaia Iturralde): “I like that your post was aabout a relatable experience (math). I also liked how you tied the course material to your experience. Moreover, I liked how you tied each of your strategies to learning and understanding. Overall, it was a good post, and I enjoyed reading it.”

Blog 2

Comment 1 (Link) (to teammate Therese Taruc): “I liked how you used bullet point format to explain the key areas of direct instruction. Your post provides insight into direct instruction and its importance. Moreover, I also liked the way you tied direct instruction to our topic of Alzheimer’s Disease. Overall, a decent post, with some minor grammar issues (at the time of typing this).”

Comment 2 (Link) (to David Xie): “I like how you link all subtopics to the constructivist approach to learning. Moreover, you adequately give examples of how your learning environment promotes a constructivist approach to learning. Overall, good post.”

Blog 3

Comment 1 (Link) (to teammate Mansahaj Singh Popli): “I liked your use of personal experiences to tie into the material. Your post gives a prespective into what inclusive design would look like in practice. I also liked how you discussed issues such as rigidness in educating, which can make it more difficult to teach even regular or brighter students. Overall, your post was insightful.”

Comment 2 (Link) (to Dawson Charles): “I liked the use of the Olympic athlete analogy, as well as the GPS analogy in your post. I found the framing of universal design as the removal of barriers to be a good prespective to have for educators. I agree with the idea that inclusive design aims to make education possible for everyone. Overall, a decent post.”

Blog 4

Comment 1 (Link) (to teammate Mansahaj Singh Popli): “I like that you included the video at the beginning, as well as providing a summary of its contents at the start of the blog. Moreover, I appreciated how concise your post was, effectively describing how learners are meant to interact with the material at hand. I also liked how you mentioned making the video inclusive by creating a transcript, which would be helpful for blind learners and the like. Overall, it was a good post.”

Comment 2 (Link) (to Dawson Charles): “I liked how you included an overview on your subject at the beginning of the blog, as it provides valuable insight into the rest of the post. One of the things you mentioned learners are encouraged to do is take notes, which is something our team has suggested for our video, with the same reasoning as your post. Moreover, I believe it is a good thing to make learning more inclusive whenever feasible. Also, I like the fact that you linked your video in the blog post, but I would have liked it more had you embedded the video into your post. Overall, it was a good blog post.”